Facebook Insights:
Facebook Insights Tool is similar to Google Analytics
Facebook Insights Tool:
It is designed to help marketers understand, how people respond to your Page and adverts, so you can make informed decisions to reach your customers.
Facebook Insights Analytics tool provides very comprehensive data for the ads or the posts
Facebook Insights are available only for business page with certain volume, not for profile pages
There is no specific good time to post in facebook. We need to experiment in different times and see which works better
Get Insights on Reach, clicks, engagement nos etc…
Also get Insights based on Gender,age, Geographical info like from which city or country
At what time your visitors are mostly online during a day / week day etc…
Negative engagements, dampens reach.
Example of negative engagements are : hide a post, unfollow a post, unlike a post,report spam etc…
Total no of engagements >total no of people engaged.
Example: one person can like a post,comment and share also. So 1 person engaged ->3 engagements
Facebook Engagement Vs Reach:
More engaging the content is, more the reach is
Posts that get more likes, comments and shares show up more in News Feed and are seen by more people.
Posts that are hidden, reported as spam or cause people to unlike your Page reach fewer people.
Reach of a post:
If 3% of your “total page likes”, see your post, it is good, 10% is excellent
1% is avg – which most posts have
Reach of links is less in facebook but more on linkedin
What I have observed is ,Reach of status>reach of photos>reach of links
Engagements for photos>engagements for status>engagements for links
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About The Author
Hi, This is Ram Mohan, Digital Marketing Consultant from Bangalore. I am also a Trainer and Blogger on Digital Marketing. Know more about me here
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